Thursday, August 20, 2009

Christopher's first day of school

This one will be much shorter than Katie's. Christopher doesn't share quite as freely. His first day was "good". We couldn't get more out of him than that. We had to ask VERY specific questions and still got just one word answers. He is growing into a little man and already communicating like one.

A few things God highlighted for me about Christopher this summer was if it is on TV, he remembers it, but if we have a face to face conversation, he may not only not remember what it was about, but he may not even remember it happening. He likes to read, but doesn't want to admit it, and they have to be the right books. The 39 Clues...really good according to Christopher, I haven't read them yet. He actually was counting down the days until the next book in the series came out. He is growing up, and most of the time, he will do his chores without complaining or being told! He is very compassionate and loves animals. He is still a momma's boy :) ! And even though he is still a momma's boy, every day I can see what a huge influence John has on him. I see him looking to John to see how to react in certain situations and if John isn't with us, he will talk about what daddy would do if he was here (and he is almost always right!). We still see him as a baby and he shocks us sometimes with little nuggets of information that he has learned that make us see him for the big boy he is. For example, one day he was telling us about Pocahantes and who she married and how the Disney movie was wrong. And last year, he flipped out because John rented the movie "The Golden Compass". He was very upset, almost on the verge of tears, and he stood up to John and asked him why he would rent that movie cause the person who wrote it didn't believe in God...and he didn't want to watch it because of that. He was very respectful when he was talking to John about it too.

I only got to meet one of the two teachers that he has. She was very very sweet. Katie was a little upset that he didn't get the teacher she had for 4th grade because "he was the best teacher ever". But as I was praying for Christopher and his 4th grade teachers (before we knew who they were), God showed me that the teacher Katie had was not the teacher for Christopher. He was a great teacher, but God had someone else in mind for my baby. God also has shown me that this is going to be a year of growth for Christopher. Now, I don't know if it will be growth out of triumph or tragedy (hoping for triumph), but I really feel like God is telling me that Christopher will be asking more questions and understanding more about God and his relationship with Him. I'm praying I have the right answers when those questions are directed at me.

Even though, he wouldn't give me very many details...I know he had a good day and already likes 4th grade.

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